
Friday, July 17, 2020

Random Thoughts 

* I have this lovely tea, Ahmad Black Tea - Lemon & Lime Twist. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth (shocking, right?), but a cup of this is like drinking a delightfully citrus candy.  Love it.

* I’m supposed to be working on my novel. It’s a rework of my first one: I realized that by slightly altering the plot, and changing the roles of two characters, it was so much better.

The problem is, my brain is in no mood to write. The words are there, I just can’t seem to settle down and type.

* We’re sussing out the back-to-school situation. My brain is screaming, ‘Stay home! Virtual learning!’, but my heart is telling me that Alex needs to go in.

I don’t want that.  I know the risks, trust me. But online learning is not working for him. Also, it’s his senior year (waaaat?), and he’s only had Matt and me for company since early March. It’s a stupid decision to have to make - the schools should not be opening.

But they are, and he needs to finish. And to get any kind of education (not to mention, he’s in theater - how can he do that at home?), he needs the structure of a physical classroom.

It sucks.

* I made thin mints Wednesday night. It was still 86 degrees at two Thursday morning, so we finally had to stick them in the freezer so the chocolate could set.

* I've read 133 books so far this year, surpassing my goal of 120. And I'm only seven or eight into my Agatha Christie re-read!

Anyway, hope you’re all doing ok. 

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