
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Good News???

Wow...can it be true? I'm hoping it is!

They're Watching 'Nobody's Watching' ... On the Web

The Internet could turn out to be the savior of a TV show that was rejected in 2004 by NBC and later by The WB, the New York Times reported today (Monday). A copy of the pilot of the ironically named Nobody's Watching has been downloaded more than 300,000 times since it was posted on the YouTube.com website two weeks ago. In reporting on the rush to view the show, the Times commented, "The big story behind Nobody's Watching is that a sitcom left for dead 18 months ago may actually spring back to life -- on actual television -- because its creators were too passionate about it to let it die, and because it really might be funnier than most everything else that is passing for comedy on television these days." The newspaper said that NBC has indicated that it wants to take a second look at the pilot and that executives at Comedy Central and ABC have also expressed interest.

I linked to this a few days ago...and take note: Will is played by Paul Campbell, who was also played the much-missed Billy on Battlestar Galactica.

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